Friday, October 20, 2017

Moved from minimum SDK 19 to 21

Looking at our Flurry stats we had zero uses on SDK 19 so it was time to make the switch. Happy I did. I was able to delete a bunch of resolution dependent PNG files and move to vector based XML files.

One minor issue, drawable start / end for a TextView, even the AppCompat version, does not support tint color until API 23. Easy enough, just did a separate ImageView and TextView to get the same look. Very few areas needed this change.

I was also able to kill some code that was checking for older SDK versions. Nice to be able to clean up all that crap as well.

Impact on final APK was minimal but I sure like the clean up in the resource area.

I also started to use the applicationIdSuffix ".debug" in the build file. Now you can have the Play Store Version of the app and a new debug version on same device. Lets me see if I screwed up the look of things when I play with layouts.

Decided to update the tint color for the status area of the screen as well. If you are running a debug version it is purple, light blue for release versions. Lets you instantly see what version you are running. Of course the launcher icon has a big BETA banner on it as well so you know at launch time which one you are using.

Knocking off some technical debt while I wait on server to have new features in place. Good to see some progress in this area.

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